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Tag: children

Empowering Parents

EMPOWERING PARENTS Little and often - KEEP SMILING By Barbara Perry  Mention the words ‘front-loaded adverbial’ or ‘the bus-stop method’ to any parent who suddenly had to...

Christmas Fire Safety

Christmas Fire Safety Allan Rotchell is a retired Senior Fire Officer with 36 years’ experience, he has attended many fires in people’s homes, some with...

Supporting your CHILDREN through Separation

Supporting your CHILDREN through Separation December can be an intense month. Financial pressures, increased time spent together, and greater alcohol consumption can bring existing relationship...

How to help your children get onto the property ladder

How to help your children get onto the property ladder As parents, long-term financial security is one of the most precious things we can give...

5 Day Meal Plan

5 Day Meal Plan                                                                                     https://www.mamalifemagazine.co.uk/category/food/ https://foodfituk.com/

Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation Remember when you had a conversation with someone and you knew what they were talking about? Remember a time when everyone in...

Coping with Children in the midst of Divorce or Separation

Coping with Children in the midst of Divorce or Separation In this article, we consider the impact of divorce or separation on your children At least...

ADHD What is it?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD - What is it? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurological disorder that is commonly identified through three distinct...